The 3 Most Profitable Skills That NOBODY TOLD YOU ABOUT

A lot of people out there are talking about “high income skills” that will make you a $10K/month or more in a short time

And without going back to college.

Sounds great, right?

The problem is: there are a few of these high income skills that get all the hype.

And when they get hyped, A LOT of people learn them.

And once a lot of people learn them, they aren’t high income skills anymore. Because now they’re common.

For example:

  • Facebook ads

  • High ticket closing

  • Social media marketing

  • Funnel building

Every one of those WAS a high income skill at one time.

But now that so many people are doing them, it’s a saturated market.

It’s really hard to stand out.

You might think these skills are the most valuable, because everyone’s talking about them.

But the truth is: they’re not the most valuable. They’re just the most advertised.

Think about it. Facebook ads is super hyped because Tai Lopez hyped it.

Funnel building is super hyped because Russell Brunson and ClickFunnels hyped it.

Both Russell Brunson and Tai Lopez are REALLY REALLY GOOD at creating hype.

It’s kinda their job.

And I’m not knocking these. If you started learning Facebook ads 8 years ago, you’d be set.

But now is not 8 years ago.

The BEST opportunities are the ones that few people know about.

The “Blue Oceans”

Famous book about this

(as opposed to the red oceans, where there’s blood in the water from everyone trying to compete in the same space)

I’m going to show you three of these Blue Oceans.

Three skills that are super valuable NOW…and not many people are doing.

(“Now” being 2024, the time of writing. If you’re seeing this in 2030…things may have changed)

What Makes A High-Value Skill

The most valuable skills you can learn are the ones that are CLOSEST TO THE MONEY.  

If you don’t know what that means, watch this video about market economics.

(Actually you should watch this video regardless. Knowing this stuff will make your life SO MUCH EASIER)

The easiest way to be close to the money is to learn skills in sales and/or marketing.

Because you’re the one bringing in customers to the business.

You’re the one getting them paid.

Now this isn’t new. If you look at all the hyped-up skills, they’re all sales/marketing skills.

The problem is: the skills people talk about are EITHER oversaturated…OR they’re super broad.

For example, a lot of people out there are pushing “copywriting”.

Saying you should learn copywriting is like saying you should learn marketing.

Yes, copywriting is valuable. But it’s such a broad subject it’s hard to know where to get started.

(if you don’t know: “copywriting” just means “writing that sells stuff”).

Almost everything in marketing is copywriting:

  • Writing sales pages

  • Writing ads

  • Writing video scripts

  • Writing emails

  • Writing social media posts

So trying to “learn copywriting” isn’t very helpful.

It’s better if you start specific. All 3 of the skills I’m going to show you involve copywriting.

But they’re not the same. They’re different kinds of copywriting.

I’m going to show you the 3 skills, as well as how to learn them AND start getting paid ASAP.

The process is the same for all of them:

Learn -> Practice -> Sell

If you read my Fastest Way To $100K post, you know what that means.

You really should read that if you haven’t already.

Done? Ok, let’s dive into the 3 skills:


Skill #1: YouTube Ads

I LOVE YouTube ads.

I’ve literally spent $188,000 of my own money on YouTube ads.

Screenshot from my YouTube ads account

(don’t worry—I made a lot more than that back!)

Because I’m good at YouTube ads I’ve been able to:

  • Sell affiliate products

  • Sell my own products

  • Get paid to create YouTube ads for businesses

  • Get paid to consult businesses on their YouTube ads

(By the way, if you know anyone who has a product and wants to get sales on autopilot with YouTube ads, have them send me an email: [email protected])

This skill can make you a ton of money whether you have a product/service yourself, or you help other companies sell their products.

Even big corporations are getting into YouTube ads lately.

Though they don’t do a very good job of it. The YouTube ads that work the best are the ones that are authentic.

Which is great for YOU, as a normal person just getting started.

But bad for the corporations. They seem to have a hard time being authentic.

(you know…unless you help them)

Now just in case you’re not clear: I’m talking about creating and running video ad campaigns on YouTube.

I’m NOT talking about posting YouTube videos and hoping people watch them.

(that’s already a saturated market)

I’m talking about running paid ads on YouTube.

You know, the ones you have to skip after 5 seconds to watch your videos.

Everyone is trying to do Facebook ads, but YouTube ads are a much better opportunity.

They work better than Facebook ads for a lot of businesses.

And there’s much less competition.

Not only because there isn’t so much hype around YouTube ads, but also because you have to make videos for YouTube ads.

Most people are lazy and want the easiest option.

It’s easier to make a Facebook ad than a YouTube ad. So most people do Facebook.

The problem is: everyone else is doing Facebook too.

So they might save an hour or two making an ad…but then spend HUNDREDS OF HOURS pulling their hair out because no one wants to hire them.

Now let’s get into how to go about learning (and profiting from) the skill of YouTube ads.

The Process

Step 1: Learn

There are a few things you have to learn in order to be able to do YouTube ads effectively:

  1. Writing video scripts

  2. Recording video

  3. Editing video

  4. Targeting

Remember when I said that EVERYTHING involves copywriting?

Well writing video scripts is copywriting.

But that’s only one step out of four.

You also need to be able to record video, edit, and actually run the ads.

Step 2: Practice

It’s not enough to just learn about YouTube ads. You have to practice the skill and get results.

If you have your own offer to sell, then the easiest way to start is by creating ads to sell your own offer.

If not, you’ll have to find another offer to practice on.

There are 2 ways to do this:

The first is to find a business owner who will agree to have you run ads to sell his product.

It’s a little tricky to get someone to agree to this, because even if you work for free, the business owner is still probably paying for the ad costs.

And if you don’t have proven results yet, business owners may worry that their ad spend is just going to be wasted.

So you’ll either have to find someone who’s willing to cut you some slack while you develop your skills.

(best way is to find a business owner that you know personally, or that’s a friend of a friend)

Or you can start with a bit of your own money. Just until you get some early results.

The other option is to start with an affiliate product.

An affiliate product is an online offer that you can sell for someone else.

You get a unique link, and when someone buys through your link, you get a percentage of the sale price.

This is the easiest way to start, because you don’t have to convince anybody to let you work for them.

You just go to an affiliate site such as, choose a product, and put your affiliate link in your YouTube ads.

For that matter, you can sell my products if you like. I pay 75% commission.

(send me an email if you’re interested: [email protected])

Whichever way you choose, the important thing is that you get results—in terms of either leads or sales.

Step 3: Sell

Once you have results to show, then you can start charging businesses money to run ads for them.

If you’re already working for a business for free, you can tell them the “free trial” is over, and now you’re going to charge.

And you can start looking for new clients.

There are a few ways to package and sell your YouTube ads expertise.

1 - Sell as a package.

“I’ll write, record, and edit 5 YouTube ad videos for $5,000”

2 – Monthly retainer

“I’ll create and run a full YouTube ads campaign for you for $1,000/month”

3 – Consulting package

“I’ll help you write your scripts, tell you exactly how to record your ads, and help you find the best targeting options for $5,000”

Any of these will work.

If you’re new, the monthly retainer is the easiest sell.

It’s the lowest cost upfront, and you can offer a risk reversal.

Something like: “It’s $1,000 a month, no contract, and if you’re not satisfied with the results after the first month you don’t have to pay me at all.”

So that’s the basics if you want to get into YouTube advertising.

I’m considering making a course or coaching program of my own to teach people how to do YouTube ads.

Feel free to contact me if you’d be interested in that.

(the more people are interested, the more likely I am to do it)


Skill #2: Cold Email

Here’s a marketing challenge for you:

Let’s say you work for a company that sells some fancy business software to big companies.

You can’t sell to just anyone at these companies—you have to sell to executives.

Maybe there’s one or two people in the whole company who can make the decision to buy your software. Like the Chief Technology Officer.

Your software is expensive, so the only companies that are realistically going to buy from you are $50 million dollar+ companies.

There are only a few thousand people in the WORLD that fit the criteria to be your customers.

HOW do you market to these people?

One of the best ways is through cold email.

That is: sending emails to people who don’t know who you are.

That might sound “spammy”, but it’s what A LOT of the most successful B2B companies are doing.

Because it works.

And your customers don’t feel like you’re being “spammy” if you’re offering them something they really really want.

Cold email is a great skill to have, for a few reasons:

  • It’s basically free. You don’t have to pay for ads.

  • It can make you BIG commissions. Like selling real estate, but much less hassle.

  • It’s a super useful skill to have if you ever want to sell a B2B product of your own.

B2B means “business to business”, by the way. That is: your product or service is for businesses, rather than for people.

You can get very high-paying jobs if you have this skill.

You can use it to sell affiliate products.

Or you can sell for other companies as a freelancer.

So how do you get started with cold email? Here are the steps:

The Process

Step 1: Learn

There are three parts you want to learn in order to be successful with cold email:

  1. Prospecting

  2. Writing emails

  3.  Automation

The first part is prospecting.

What this means is figuring out WHO you want to sell to, and finding their email addresses.

Because you’re selling to only a small number of people, you need to do some research to find their contact info.

There are a bunch of companies that will sell you lists of contacts, based on their job titles, company size, industry, and other helpful criteria.

You can also go exploring for yourself.

Look in Facebook groups, industry magazines, company websites, etc. and pull people’s contact information yourself.

This can be time-consuming, but if just one sale can make you $50,000, you may find it’s worth the effort.

Once you’ve got a list of prospects, you want to write your emails.

(we’re copywriting again!)

You can either write one generic email and send it out to everyone on your list.

Or you can personalize the emails to each individual.

That is: start the email by mentioning something unique to that person.

Like congratulating them for getting promoted or winning an industry award.

This way takes longer, it takes some research, but it’s more effective.

Once you’ve written your emails, you want to automate the process as much as possible.

There’s software you can use to send your emails automatically on a schedule.

You can even create a spreadsheet with all your prospects’ names and email addresses. Add the customized first line of your email, and the software will send the full email with each customized first line.

You can hire people (such as a virtual assistant) to do the boring, time-consuming work for you.

Since the work is easy, you don’t have to pay very much.

Step 2: Practice

As always, you want to practice your new skill until you get real results.

There are a few good ways to do this.

You could by offering to work for free for a B2B business.

Or better yet, work for commissions.

This is an easy sell, because the company doesn’t have to pay you anything unless they make money first.

So it’s zero risk for them.

You also don’t have to convince them to pay for ads. Since email is free.

You could even start by using cold email to find businesses to hire you to do cold email!

Here’s a message you could send:

Hi John—congrats on hitting the Forbes 5000 list! That’s super exciting!

Are you by any chance doing cold email marketing?

It’s the best thing out there for B2B businesses right now. It’s hyper-targeted and basically free.

If you like I could set up an email campaign for you. I work on commissions only—no risk to you at all.


As soon as you get someone to say yes, then you’re in business!

Step 3: Sell

Once you’ve gotten your first client some results, you can talk about your results to get your next client.

You can sell them on a monthly retainer, or just keep working on commission.

(you can make a lot of money purely on commission if you’re good)

If you’d like to learn more about cold email, a friend of mine has a free training that I highly recommend.

(it’s where I learned a lot of this stuff)

His training is specifically for tech sales, but the same process works for any B2B business.

Here’s the link to that free training.

Skill #3: Follow Up

Want to know a secret about business owners in general?

We SUCK at following up.


We all know that “the fortune is in the follow up”.

That is, most people don’t buy right away.

They need to hear from you a few times before they’re willing to buy.

And a lot of us have big lists of email addresses and phone numbers of people who are INTERESTED in our stuff…

But we don’t follow up nearly as much as we should.

This is a golden opportunity for someone like you.

You can find some business owners that ALREADY KNOW they should be following up more, but aren’t.

(usually because they’re super busy)

And offer to do their follow ups for them.

This is a big value add to the business.

It’s free.

AND you make sales easily, because the people you’re following up with already know the business and are interested in the product.

So how do you get started?

The Process

Step 1: Learn

First you need to learn the skill.

There are three parts to it:

  1. Writing emails and/or text messages

  2. Using autoresponder software

  3. Optimizing deliverability

I’ll explain what each of these mean.

Writing emails and text messages is copywriting (again!).

Note that this is different than cold email, because here you’re writing to people who are ALREADY signed up for the company’s email list.

So you’re coming from a different frame.

Once you write an email or text message, you send it using a software called an autoresponder.

Basically it’s a software that sends an email or text message out to a whole bunch of people all at one time.

Then you may need to work on deliverability as well.

“Deliverability” means how successful your message gets through to people’s inboxes.

Ideally you want to land in people’s main inbox.

Because if you get stuck in “Promotions”…or worse: SPAM…then people probably aren’t going to see your emails.

This deliverability part is optional. But it’s a big value add.

In fact, I know of a young kid who made himself a millionaire at like 19 years old just by focusing on deliverability alone.

Because it’s BORING, and business owners don’t want to deal with it.

But it’s also super valuable. So they’ll pay someone else a lot of money to deal with it for them.

Step 2: Practice

As you’re learning the skills, you want to practice them.

To do this, you’ll need a list of email addresses of people who signed up for something, and an autoresponder software.

But getting people to give you their email address is a bit tricky.

You need to advertise some free thing, and then get people to give you their email so they can get the free thing.

You can do this with an affiliate product.

But you’ll also have to find a way to drive traffic.

That is, to get people to see your free thing in the first place.

Which is a whole other skill of its own.

(of course, I use YouTube ads to do this)

An easier way to start would be to reach out to business owners and offer to write follow up emails for them for free.

Or for a commission on the sales. Since that’s no financial risk for them.

But you have to do something to prove you’re competent.

Because if you’re not, and you send crappy emails to the business owner’s email list, you’re going to make him look bad.

So you have to write some sample emails to show the business owner to PROVE that you’re competent.

A great way to do this would be to write an email for every business owner you’re going to reach out to.

Without them even asking.

And then send it to them.

“Hey John, I love what you’re doing with X business.

I wrote this follow up email for you to get your audience to sign up for X course. It’s attached below.

Feel free to use it however you like. I’m not asking anything in return.

If you’d like, I can write more follow up emails for you. I don’t charge anything upfront, I work purely on commission.


Step 3: Sell

Once you get a client, and start sending some follow ups for him, track your results.

Autoresponders will show you the open rate, click rate, and number of people who bought because of each email.

Once you have some results, it’s easy to go to other business owners and say:

“I got $100,000 in sales with 5 emails for John Smith. Want me to write some follow up emails for you?”

You can work out a monthly retainer, or just keep working on commission.

Commission is always an easier sell, and you can make a lot of money that way.

If you’re interested in learning more about follow up, I recommend checking out Ian Stanley.

I don’t have a link to any of his stuff specifically, but search for his name and I’m sure you’ll find him easily.

Those are the three skills, but I want to leave you with one more thing:

There are A TON of opportunities out there.

And it’s easy to get paralyzed trying to figure out which one to do.

My advice is to just pick the one that sounds the best to you, and start taking action.

Don’t obsess about finding the “best” opportunity.

Find one that sounds good and run with it.

They all work.

Just pick one.

If you want to learn YouTube ads, let me know.

Otherwise, I gave you plenty of other links to follow.

And to go more in depth on this process of turning a high-income skill into a one-person business, take a look at my post on the Fastest Way To $100,000.